List of Treasures

The Amber Room, Russia
Missing Since 1941 C.E.

Heirloom Seal of the Realm, China
Missing Since C. 8th Century


Tucker’s Cross, Bermuda
Missing Since C. 1975

Royal Bloodline of the Rain Queens, South Africa
Missing Since 2005 C.E.

Lasseter’s Gold Reef, Australia
Unconfirmed, Missing Since between 1910 – 1930 C.E.

Sealed Vault of Padmanabhaswamy Temple, India
Unknown Contents, Created between 500 B.C and 300 C.E.

The Just Judges, Belgium
Missing Since 1934 C.E.

Lost Films, Various
Missing Since Early 20th Century

St. Edward’s Crown and King John’s Treasure, England
Missing Since 1216 C.E.

The Pirate Republic of Libertalia and the Loot from the Gunsway Heist, Madagascar
Unconfirmed, or Missing Since C. Late 17th Century

Oracle of Trophonius, Greece
Missing Since C. 1st Century

King Atahualpa’s Cursed Treasure, Ecuador
Missing Since 1533 C.E.

Forbidden and Deadly Artifacts (The Basano Vase, The Dybbuk Box, “Satan’s Sphinx”, The Necronomicon)
Unconfirmed, Various

Peking Man and San Pedro Mummy
Missing since 1941 and 1975 respectively

Extinct Animals Sighted in the Wild
Unconfirmed, Various

The Menorah of the Second Temple, Israel
Missing since 70 C.E.

The Bones of Saint Nicholas of Myra, Turkey / Italy
Missing since 1087 C.E.

Nazi Gold, Germany / Austria
Missing Since 1945 C.E

The Kusanagi and the Honjo Masamune Swords, Japan
Unconfirmed / 1946 C.E.

Golem of Prague, Czech Republic

Lost Books
Unconfirmed, Various

Yamashita’s Gold and the Golden Buddha, Philippines
Missing since 1945 and 1971